Restaurante Peruano

This restaurant is a little bit off the main area and in all honesty a place you would probably walk past without giving it a second glance.

We always find the service really friendly, and the atmosphere relaxed.   The décor reflects that fact that the restaurant serves Peruvian food (as well as international and Spanish dishes)

There is an outside terrace which is always really popular and this time when we went, it was full so we had to sit indoors.


I always have the lamb when we come here as it is always so tenderly cooked and not a bit greasy or fatty.   Sometimes they give you pieces of lamb and sometimes you get a small leg (which is what I got this time round).  It is served with potatoes and rice and a tasty gravy.

My partner had chicken breast in pepper sauce which was served with homemade chips and salad.

We had some bread to start with which is always served warm and with mojo sauces.


The restaurant is very well maintained, the bathrooms are spotless (although quite tiny so a wheelchair user may struggle).

For our meal with  bottle of wine, the total cost was just under 40 euros – I would say a good value for money option.

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