Hannen Barril Review

This restaurant is just off plaza del Charco, opposite La Fragata.
We’d never been before so it was a new one for us but the friends we were with, wanted a burger. And what a burger!

The 360 was a double burger patty, with pickles, lettuce, fried onions, beefsteak tomato and your choice of with or without cheese. There was also a healthy serving of fries with ketchup and mustard sides. My 180 was the same except only one patty and didn’t automatically come with fries. These burgers are definitely homemade.

The restaurant also sells chicken skewers, bratwurst etc. All the usual German cuisine. Being a Bar Cafe, and not a restaurant, the prices were very reasonable.

3 x 360 burgers, 1 x 180 burger with 8 drinks was less than 60€

There are plenty of seats on the outside terrace but even then, we had to wait for a table as they were really busy. There are a small number of tables inside, which were also full. It really is a popular place!

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Many thanks to Su Biela, a top contributor in our Facebook group for this review of Hannen Barril.

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