
Would you like to buy me a viño?

As we are now into 2024 I wanted to bring you up to date on the recent changes and our plans for the future.  I never in a million years thought that a group I started on Facebook a couple of years ago would end up with 22,000 members (and growing).  Gone are the days when it was just my mum, dad, and my other half watching my videos and liking my photos! 🤣

Now there are thousands of you all liking, commenting, sharing photos, asking questions and answering them!  And as always, for that I thank you for helping to make our Facebook Group a special place about a special place ❤️

Facebook is a fantastic (and free!) way for us all to communicate and come together to share our experiences and photos of Puerto de la Cruz but I have realised that is does have its limitations.

Most of you will have seen that I am now creating high quality, longer videos so I have started using YouTube (which is also free!) to host these as this platform is more prepared for that. It also gives me the opportunity to reach out and find more Puerto de la Cruz fans that haven’t found our wonderful FB group yet!

Another development I have been working on is our own website, (which is also free!)

This website gives me the freedom to bring everything together in one place for you guys and concentrate on the things that are most popular with Puerto de la Cruz fans. It is divided into categories to make it easier to find the information you’re looking for. Among the wide variety of articles, our reliable and honest restaurant reviews are the most popular – and again we thank those of you who have taken the time to send in your reviews.   We have a Food and Drink category where you can find a collection of the places that are often mentioned within the group.

In addition to the website and the many videos I am producing for your enjoyment (often after extensive research), I am also running our monthly competition (which has proved more popular than I ever thought it would) as well as our Weekly Round Up Letter, and in between all of this, I still find time to ride my bike each morning!!!

My ongoing plans include detailed excursion reviews as well as hotel reviews – I plan to check in and go “undercover” to bring detailed reviews to you about selected hotels right down to whether the mattresses are clean or not!!!

I have desperately stayed away from turning the group in to a site full of adverts.  There are plenty of other sites out there for people to find yoga classes, rent an apartment or hire a scooter so with that in mind, I have decided to add an optional donation button.  This is optional and not obligatory – it is important that you take this point on board.

Everything remains the same – the Facebook group, the website, the videos, the monthly competitions, the weekly newsletter, the ongoing research, it all stays free and accessible to everyone.  The donation button is purely there to be used if you want to show your appreciation for the help and information provided.   It will also help to support my future plans which in turn, will help more people to find the information they need to ensure they enjoy Puerto de la Cruz to its full extent.

For every donation, no matter how big or small, I will be eternally grateful.  Donations can be anonymous or if you decide to let me know who you are, it will be added to the supports page as a thank you for your contribution. ❤️