Day of the Cross

Day of the cross is a religious holiday celebrated in many Spanish and Hispanic areas.  It is believed that on the 3rd May, Elena the mother of Emperor Byzontine found the Holy Cross on which Jesus had died.

In Tenerife, 3rd May has an additional meaning as the date coincides with the founding of the city of Santa Cruz in 1494.   It is celebrated in various municipalities, and generally in towns whose name includes the word “Cruz” (cross).  The inhabitants decorate the crosses dotted throughout the town, with flowers and fruit.  There are some 30 or so crosses in the town of Puerto de la Cruz with it being said that the cross which gave its name to the town was the one located on the side of the façade of the Customs House.

In Puerto de la Cruz, the day starts with a solemn mass followed by a procession with La Cruz de Plata (the co-patron Saint of the town) along with La Virgen de Nuestra Señora de la Peña de Francia, accompanied by a lot of noise and fireworks.

In the municipality of Los Realejos, the day is celebrated with a spectacular fireworks display, said to be one of the most impressive in Europe, being declared of National Tourist Interest.  There is fierce competition between the main two streets of the town, Calle del Medio and Calle del Sol, as they get take part in a 3 hour fire work battle to see who can provide the most spectacular display.