Guided Tour of Historical Gardens & Plazas of Puerto de la Cruz Part 2

Part 2 of our series celebrating Puerto in Bloom with volunteer tour guide Ramon Michan, begins at Sitio Litre after having enjoyed a cup of Tea and a fresh Scone with Clotted Cream at the Café Orquidea. We learn of the history of the gardens at Sitio Litre, as well as the original gardens of READ MORE

Guided Tour of Historical Gardens & Plazas of Puerto de la Cruz

Part one of a two part series, where we celebrated the week of Puerto in Bloom with local volunteer tourist guide Ramon Michan as we wander around the gardens and plazas of Puerto de la Cruz. In this first part, we start at the All Saints Anglican Church, and we pass by the Gran Hotel READ MORE

Elevador de agua de Gordejuela

Perhaps one of the most fascinating abandoned and derelict buildings on the island of Tenerife – certainly in the north of the island anyway – is the old pumping station on the coastline near the village of Los Realejos, known locally as “El Elevador de Aguas de Gordejuela” or “Casa Hamilton”. History of the Building READ MORE

Talks At The English Library

This year’s monthly Autumn/Winter talks at the English Library start on November 14 with a fascinating offering by Sheila Perrin entitled “Hurricanes and Harassed Hoteliers: A Day in the Life of a Tour Manager”. Sheila spent many years leading groups to the four corners of the globe, and in this talk she relates some of READ MORE