Feria del Queso de Canarias Pinolere

SABADO 6 DE ABRIL DE 2024 10: 00 horas APERTURA DEL RECINTO FERIAL 10: 30 horas Apertura de LA EXPOSICIÓN de las RAZAS AUTÓCTONAS CANARIAS (7 razas de perros, cabras, gallinas, palomas, ovejas, cochinos negros, vacas, burros, camello, abejas, pájaros…) con la coordinación de SAMCOR PRESA CANARIO y las colaboraciones de ACRICATI (Asociación Nacional de READ MORE

Ambasada Tapas and Beer Review

If you fancy some tapas then you really need to visit Ambasada Tapas&Beer,  located alongside the roundabout near to the Las Vegas Hotel right opposite the yellow Loro Parque train stop. We decided to sit inside and upstairs so that we could enjoy a view down the walkway towards the Martianez area. The welcome from READ MORE