Puerto’s Annual Poinsettia Display

The Poinsettia or Flor de Pascua is probably the most representative plant of Christmas. We take a walk around the streets and squares of Puerto de la Cruz to show you this years beautiful display.

The poinsettia comes from Mexico and Central America. It acquires different names depending on the countries where it is grown. In Mexico, it is called Pascuero and in Argentina Estrella Federal. The name poinsettia, by which it is known in many places around the world, comes from Joel Roberts Poinsett, United States ambassador to Mexico, who popularized it in North America.

Legend has it that it was Montezuma's favorite flower, known as cuitlaxochitl or leather flower, because it symbolized the purity and new life of the Aztec warriors. It later became a Christian symbol that emulated the star of Bethlehem, the one that guided the Three Wise Men and was called the Christmas Star. It is, therefore, considered one of the plants with special meanings.