Santiago del Teide

Discover the essence of Santiago del Teide in this short video as we explore Plaza pública de Santiago del Teide and Parroquia de San Fernando Rey.

Parroquia de San Fernando Rey is a magnificent church that's been at the heart of Santiago del Teide for generations. We'll step inside to admire the intricate architecture and soak in the serene atmosphere.

Also in the Plaza is a life-size cast bronze sculpture by the sculptor José Abad, dedicated to the Guanche Alonso Díaz, son of the Adeje mencey, Diego Díaz Pelinor. This character was nicknamed "the brave Guanche", because in the year 1509 he went to complain to king Fernando El Católico, that the Adelantado Alonso Fernández de Lugo had stolen 200 goats from him, which he had to return by royal order.

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